Antlers 'R" Us


About Antlers 'R' Us

We are a Canadian Antler Dog Chew Company located in Nanaimo, BC on beautiful Vancouver Island.  Being dog owners ourselves we have shared your pain.   When our dog Sadie was a puppy she loved to chew wood.  We didn't want to crate train her, so we let her roam free while we were at work.  Big mistake, she started chewing on all of the mouldings on the main floor of our house!  After doing some research we found out that antler chews could be our best solution.  They worked like a charm, Sadie loved them!  Then we started brainstorming, did a lot of research and decided that we should make it our mission to help other dog owners just like you!  That's how it all started, Antlers 'R' Us was born.

Some Antler Chew Facts

Why Antler Chews?

Thanks to Mother Nature deer antlers are an all natural and annually renewable resource.  Male Deer shed their antlers each spring as part of a natural process.  Meaning no animals have been harmed during the collection of our Deer Antler products.  Thats why we feel that our "Naturally Shed Deer Antlers make the Perfect Dog Chew."  If your dog likes to chew, then our long-lasting Antler Chews will provide you with piece of mind and your Dog with countless days and of enjoyment.  Try one of our antler chews. "You're dog will love it!"

"Naturally Shed Deer Antlers make the Perfect  Dog Chew."

When our dog Sadie was a puppy she loved to chew wood.  We didn't want to crate train her, so we let her roam free while we were at work.  Big mistake, she started chewing on all of the mouldings on the main floor of our house!  After doing some research we found out that antler chews could be our best solution.  They worked like a charm, Sadie loved them!  Then we started brainstorming, did a lot of research and decided that we should help other dog owners that have shared our pain.  That's how it all started, Antlers 'R' Us was born.

Anthony Wojcik